Are There Benefits To Paying Out Of Pocket?


It can be frustrating finding a therapist that takes your insurance. Most therapists that accept insurance have a long waitlist. But what if you need to be seen how? Or want to see a speciailist?

I know what you are thinking…Therapy can be expensive and if I have insurance I am definitely using it. But it turns out that paying out of pocket might give you a leg up and be worth the cost differential.


  • More Confidentiality- In order for an insurance company to pay a claim, they need certain information including your diagnosis and they may even request notes from your session. Paying out of pocket allows your sessions to be kept strictly between you and your therapist. Diagnosis won’t become part of your medical record.

  • Shorter Waitlist- Dealing with the ins and outs of insurance companies takes time. LOTS of time. This is time that your therapist would rather spend on you. Since so many people want to use their insurance and there are so few therapists on insurance panels that are accepting new clients right now, you may have a looong wait to get seen. Many people who get on waitlists never even get contacted. We strive to keep our waitlists short and do our best to get people in quickly since we know that mental health crisis’ can’t always wait months to address.

  • You Aren’t Always Covered- Despite what you might think, insurance companies don’t cover all types of therapy or diagnosis’. This can really impact your ability to find a therapist that suits your needs. Just because a therapist accepts Blue Cross Blue Shield, for example, doesn’t necessarily mean they accept your specific plan. Some deductibles are super high so you have to pay out of pocket for the full cost anyway. Check to see if your work offers HSA or FHA cards that you can use to pay for sessions with.

  • Customized Approach- When dealing with insurance, often times the hands of your therapist are tied. Like how often you are allowed to be seen, and for how long. There are additional rules and requirements that they can’t get around because of the therapists contracts and agreements with the insurance company. Paying out of pocket allows your therapist to operate in whatever way will best benefit YOU. You are in control of how often you’d like to be seen and for how long.

Insurance companies are sometimes more trouble than they are worth, but not always. So which do you choose, insurance or private pay? Call today to set up a free ten minute consultation with one of our therapists and choose the option that is best for you.


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