Do I Have an Eating Disorder?


Eating Disorder Counseling

You’ve been obsessing about weight, food, steps, and/or calories. You're wondering why you spend so much time and energy thinking about food and how that food will effect your body. The guilt from eating a “forbidden food” is so intense you can barely function. Listen. I see you. You have been suffering too much for too long. You must be feeling incredibly alone and misunderstood. Maybe you’re feeling crazy or broken. All I can say is that YOU ARE NOT BROKEN. This all sounds like someone who is suffering from an eating disorder.

Millions Experience The Pain Of Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are legit mental illnesses that impact people of all genders, ages, races, sexual orientations, body shapes, and weights. National surveys estimate that 20 million women and 10 million men in America will have an eating disorder at some point in their lives. Eating disorders are all too common and are continuing to surge as we are told that our food intake or our weight it a problem that needs to be fixed. Billion dollar companies are selling diet and weight loss and profiting off those they’ve made feel inadequate. It’s no wonder that 25% of people who go on diets end up with an eating disorder.

There is no simple answer to “what causes an eating disorder”. They are complicated mental illnesses that stem from genetic and environmental factors. Therapy can help sort all of this out. Help you find the answers to questions like why can't I just eat food like a normal person? Why do I feel so guilty every time I eat? Therapist with specialized eating disorder training can help answer these and many more questions. Knowing those answers can help you make mindset shifts and behavioral shifts that will start to impact the way you view food at your body. They have special techniques to work through the anxiety and guilt you feel. Every day people are recovering from eating disorders but it is often times a lot of work to do so.

Quality Counseling Can Strengthen Your Recovery

I can already hear you saying, “How can I have an eating disorder; I'm not skinny enough?”. Or, “Don’t just skinny white girls have those”? Weight, gender, or race is no indicator of whether you are suffering or not. If you are unhappy with how things are currently going - you deserve help. It can be freaking nerve-racking to start getting help. Let’s face it. Admitting you need help (gasp) is vulnerable. So even if this food/weight/diet fixation stuff is getting in the way of your relationships, happiness, and health - there is hope for you.

Learn More About Eating Disorder Counseling

Here at Modern Eve we help people realize that the perceptions they have about themselves and their body may not always be what they seem.  We all have specialized eating disorder training and provide a safe and open environment to explore and heal your relationship with food and body. If you suspect you might have an eating disorder, schedule a free 10 minute consult with an eating disorder specialized therapist or dietitian to see how they can help.

Learn More About the Different Types of Eating Disorders

What is Anorexia Nervosa?

What is Bulimia Nervosa?

What is Binge Eating Disorder?

What is Orthorexia?

How Eating Disorders Impact Body Image

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