5 Ways to Un-Hate Your Body and Move Towards Body Acceptance


We all have our insecurities and moments when we feel self-conscious, but it doesn't have to be this way. You don't have to spend hours each day fixating on your appearance and worrying about how you look. You don't have to weigh yourself every time you leave the house and let your mood be dictated by what number you see on the scale. And you definitely don't have to avoid looking into mirrors because you can't stand what you see in them. You deserve so much better than that.


Trust your body

Your body is bad ass and holds great wisdom. Notice when it sends you little messages. Signals of hunger/fullness, rest/movement, or stimulation/peace. Listen and then respond!

Take your power back!

Take your power back by refusing to view the number on the scale. Refusing to count the calories, track the steps, or weigh the food. They don’t deserve your power. You do!

Be your own friend

How do you treat others? I bet it's a lot kinder than you treat yourself. Start treating your body the way you would someone you care about.

Surround yourself with good

Stop following people that make you feel like shit about yourself. Curate that social media with body diversity and things that take attention off physical esthetic.

Make body peace plan

This is a journey! Find ways to fit body acceptance into your regular life. Do you often stand in the mirror picking at yourself? Try moving the mirror out of your room! Or prepare mantras to say when you are having a bad body image day.

Remember, you don’t have to love your body. Your body is just your vehicle to get you through your everyday activities. Looking for more personalized help in accepting your body? Try talking with one of our body image experts and specialized therapists here.


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