Making the Most Out of Your Recovery


Look, there is no question that letting go of an eating disorder can be one of the hardest things a person can do. Everyone’s path to recovery looks different. There is no magic spell to take away the stress and difficulty on your journey, but there are steps you can take to help you along the path.

4 Tips For Making the Most Out Of Your Recovery

Practice Self Compassion

You likely struggle with comparison so it is extra important to normalize and validate what you are feeling and experiencing. Recovery will be full of ups and downs. Forgive yourself when you have a hard day. Celebrate when you have a better day. Continue to remind yourself that your best is good enough. Progress. Not perfection.

It Takes a Village

The saying is right! Surrounding yourself with people who support and love you is important. Find safe ways to talk about it and let them hold space for you as your navigate your recovery. Find your safe people to open up to. Maybe not all at once but take a step into vulnerability to see how they respond. If they respond well then open up a little more. Although scary, this can create a wonderful connection that will serve you in life. If you don’t feel emotionally safe enough with anyone in your life then finding a support group or a Facebook or even TikTok community can be helpful.

Take your power back!

You are more than just your eating disorder and you deserve to be treated with love and respect as you are, right now. I know we say this a lot but it truly is the most powerful first step you can make. GET RID OF YOUR FUCKING SCALE! Like seriously. Stop what you are doing right now and pick it up and throw it in the trash. Or break it with a hammer in the driveway if you need to get some anger out. That thing has been holding you back too long by deciding what type of day you’ll have based off the earths gravitational pull. No more! Take that power back.

There’s No ‘I’ in Team, But There is a Dietitian!

Including a dietitian in your recovery process is essential. The goal of a solid eating disorder dietitian is to evaluate a meal plan that will challenge you but not overwhelm you. They will customize their approach for your body’s specific needs. They can coach you in developing eating habits that will be sustainable throughout your lifetime. They can help you navigate diet culture and embrace intuitive eating. This can help you start to trust your body again. They can provide a lot of education about what nutrients actually do in the body since diet culture has probably given you a lot of lies and mixed messages. Recruiting a therapist, physician, AND a registered dietitian who specialize in the treatment of eating disorders is the ideal approach to kick this eating disorder to the curb.

Looking to build your team? Book a free call with Josie, our anti-dietitian here.


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