How To Deal With Feeling Overwhelmed
Let’s be real. There are times in life when you’re going to feel overwhelmed. It happens, but, sometimes, it can feel as if things just keep piling on. You feel like as soon as you get one thing done, another comes along. There are no breaks, time to catch your breathe, or even enough time to recuperate.
Do you ever feel like you get to the point that you have so much to do that you can’t do anything? Or that you can’t stop cause if you do you’ll get behind, then all your tasks will be behind for the day? Or that there are so many things that you’re feeling, you don’t know what to feel anymore? This is when feeling overwhelmed can really start effecting your mental health. Your mental health matters, you can take a step back.
Pinpoint the primary source of overwhelm. Ask yourself the question, “What one or two things, if taken off my plate would alleviate 80% of the stress that I feel right now?” Find ways to take just that one or two things off your plate. Also- why is it your job to make sure everything runs smoothly? If you feel like you have too many emotions to handle at the moment, try naming on of them. See where that emotion comes from and rectify each emotion one at a time.
Practice mindfulness. Remember: Breaks are just as productive as anything else. Intentionally setting time aside to take breaks can reduce the amount of stress you feel from being “on” all the time, if even just for a few minutes. Try:
Turning off your cellphone, the tv, or going outside. Try taking some deep breathes. Notice the smells outside. Close your eyes and notice the sounds. Notice the temperature and where the light hits your face.
Single-tasking (opposite of multi-tasking). Pick one thing and only do that one thing. During that time, try not to think about anything else you have to do. Connect with what you’re doing now.
Doing something not on your list. Taking a step back may be all you need to reevaluate your day and feel less overwhelmed with all you have to do.
Do some self care. Again, you’re mental health matters. If you keep pushing off and ignoring your needs, you’re going to burnout. Creating boundaries, knowing your stress thresholds, and giving yourself time to recharge are all ways to take care of yourself. Find one thing that helps you reset when you see the first signs of overwhelm. Having a go to self care activity takes stress away quickly. (Want to learn more about taking care of yourself? Check out the foundations of a good mental health routine).
When you’re saying yes to others, make sure you’re not saying no to yourself.
Let others help. This might mean delegating some things on your to do list to someone even if that hurts your pride or makes you feel like a burden. And no, they probably won’t do it as well as you but your sanity is worth just getting it done rather than having it be perfect. Also, try talking out feelings to someone to help you gain a better understanding of how you actually feel. Feelings of distress and worry often build up to feeling overwhelmed. Having a trusted friend, family member, or therapist that can just listen can help you clarify and relieve some of your stresses.
While we may all feel overwhelmed from time to time in our demanding lives, employing the above strategies can help mitigate the frequency and extent to which we feel this way.
Learn more about mental health and find other ways to get help here.