Are you going through a Faith Transition?


Faith Transition Counseling

Faith transitions can be super hard and even lead to an entire identity crisis. They can impact your social life, marriage, mental health, family life, and career. This is not a decision to be taken lightly and you’ve probably experienced a good deal of inner turmoil to bring you to this place of searching for direction. Some are excited about the future and opportunities of this faith change while others are having a total melt down. We call that “Faith Crisis”.

I hope you know that you are far from alone in this. Especially with the accessibility of information at your fingertips, more and more people across the globe are leaving religion as the traditional values collide with those of the younger generations. There are many shades of gray in between the black and white narrative that you likely received from your religious upbringing.

I Know You’re Strong But You Don’t Have To Do This Alone

You might be wondering how a therapist can help you through this without just being another so called “authority figure” trying to tell you what to do. A good therapist will never tell you what to do but instead guide you toward your inner truth and to what brings you the most peace whether that be stepping toward or away from religion. It’s common to be experiencing a lot of confusion and mixed emotions. Being able to work with a therapist with faith transition experience can alleviate some of the distress you’re experiencing. They can help with navigating relationships with this new identity. And making sure your value/moral pendulum doesn’t swing all the way to the other end of the spectrum. Helping you look inward toward your values rather than outward to the brethren.

Therapists at Modern Eve have grown up in Mormonism with various levels of activity so no need to spend your session explaining what various LDS terminology is cause we get it. We’ve been there. We understand the deeply ingrained cultural dynamics that have made you who you are. We do our best to stay up to date on the latest support groups and communities where you can find a new tribe to help replace your old church community.

Learn More About Faith Transition Counseling

If you are experiencing stress, anxiety, and/or existential dread with all this - Book here for help.

Check out full video of Shannon Ricks, LMFT as she speaks about values and faith transitions at the January 2022 Thrive conference

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