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Do Eating Disorders Cause Negative Body Image?
Which way is it!?! Does your eating disorder cause negative body image or does your bad body image cause the eating disorder?
What is Orthorexia?
Orthorexia is an obsession with eating only healthy or clean foods. You may not realize you are suffering from orthorexia until you become so focused on what you or your family eats that your quality of life begins to suffer.
Do I Have a Binge Eating Disorder?
Are you struggling with Binge Eating Disorder? If you are, you are not alone. It is the most common eating disorder in the United States.
Do I Have Bulimia?
Do you have bulimia? Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by…
Do I Have Anorexia?
Do you have anorexia? Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by…
How to Survive the Holidays with Fatphobic Family
You may have fatphobic family members or they may make harsh comments while “just trying to help”. Whatever the case may be, here are some tips to surviving the holidays with fatphobic family.
How Many Calories Should I Eat in a Day?
The truth is, your daily caloric and nutritional requirements vary from day to day. What you may need on a busy Monday may be different than what you need at the start of a vacation or if you work out extra hard at the gym. If you vary from day to day, why wouldn’t your caloric and nutritional needs?
What Foods Should I Avoid?
“Don’t judge me for eating this cookie.”
“I’m so bad for eating this.”
“I really shouldn’t be eating this.”
“This is so unhealthy.”
Have you ever stopped to ask yourself, “why?!”
The Diet Cycle
The diet cycle is hard to get out of because you just keep thinking, “I’ll do better tomorrow.” But that doesn’t happen. And it’s not because you don’t have the self control. It’s because diets don’t work.
What is an Anti-Diet Dietitian?
Dietitians have tons of education about food and nutrition, how it affects the body, what our bodies need, why they need certain things, and how the body balances out nutrients and calories.
But I’m Not Skinny Enough to Have an Eating Disorder…
While being underweight can be one of many signs of an eating disorder, most of the time it’s not! Less than 6% of people who have eating disorders are clinically diagnosed as underweight.
‘Beauty’ Changes
In our society today, being thin has become a status of ‘health’ and seen as attractive and #goals. But at what cost?
Emotional Hunger vs. Physical Hunger
It can be easy to emotionally eat. Here are some differences between physical hunger and emotional hunger so that you can better understand what you’re feeling!
Binge Eating Disorder
Episodes of binge eating that recur at least once a week for 3 months. There are many things that can lead to binge eating like chronic dieting, stress/anxiety, restricting food intake/restricting certain types of foods, desire to feel numb or feeling lack of control, and other things.
The Diet Failed YOU, Not the Other Way Around
You want that forbidden food but you’re not allowed! You just have to hang on a little longer until you lose all the weight! You’re so hungry and you’re getting sick of chicken, brown rice, and broccoli.
Body Image Issues Among People Who Are Nonbinary
It’s hard enough for many cisgender people to feel okay with their bodies, but imagine how difficult that can be for transgender people or nonbinary folks.
The Prevalence of Eating Disorders in the Queer Community
Men who are gay are seven times more likely to report binge eating behaviors and twelve times more likely than straight men to report purging behaviors.
Carbs… Wait, They're Not Bad?
Our bodies use carbs to give energy to the brain, to help you think clearly, process things, and remember things. Carbs give our bodies energy too.
How Do I Know If I Have An Eating Disorder?
it’s hard to even know what’s normal and healthy. Because disordered eating is so common, it can often be difficult to detect. Here are some questions you can ask yourself to figure out if you should seek help.
What is Intuitive Eating?
Intuitive eating is a way to personally cultivate a healthy relationship with food, mind, and body. What does that mean though?